
Bhagat Namdev Ji

-Shiromani Bhagat Namdev Ji

Bhagat Namdev Ji (26 October, 1270 – 1350) (Gurmukhi: ਭਗਤ ਨਾਮਦੇਵ) was born on October 26, 1270 in the state of Maharashtra village of Naras-Vamani, in Satara district (presently called Narsi Namdev). His father, a calico printer/tailor, was named Damshet and his mother’s name was Gonabai. Most of the spiritual message of Bhagat Namdev, just like our gurus’, emphasized the importance of living the life of a householder (grist Jivan) and that through marriage and having a family one could attain enlightenment. He emphasized that the truest form of bandage or devotional meditation, is to enter matrimony and jointly seek the holy experience Waheguru.


Namdev was married before he was eleven years of age to Rajabal, daughter of Govinda Sheti Sadavarte. They had four sons and one daughter. Janabai, the family’s maidservant and a bhagat and poetess in her own right, records the tradition that Namdev was born to Gonabai as a result of her worship of Vitthala in Pandharpur. This present temple building was constructed by Sardar Jassa Singh Ramgarhia and the tank by its side was repaired by Rani Sada Kaur, mother-in-law of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

Follows Bhakti Marg

Under the guiding of Janadeva, Namdev was converted to the path of Bhagati. He became a disciple of Bhagat Naneshwar, a holy man of Maharshtra. Namdev married to Raj Bai, who came from a respectable business family, and lived a householder’s life. He had four sons and a daughter. His parents (father: Damesh and mother: Gona Bai) remained occupied in various odd jobs to make both ends meet. However, his maternal grandfather, who was a deep devotee of Tahkur (Stone deity), left an indelible impression on young Namdev’s mind. Once, his maternal grandfather asked Namdev that he should offer milk to the Tahkur in his absence away from home. Namdev peristed with his prayer and submission before the deities to accept his offer of milk with such devotion that God Himself intervened and entered the deities to accede the prayer of his devotee. This happened at Pandarpur.

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